This was our only restoration day and it was a big one - by my count we had 33 volunteers on the site. Sixteen came from Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum's TEENS program. Teenagers Exploring and Explaining Nature and Science is an out-of school time program for Chicago high school students to explore nature in the city, learn about college and career paths in natural science fields, and participate in hands-on scientific environmental investigations.
Their curiosity was off the charts. They spotted frogs, a salamander, and fungi; one guy found an antler, and after lunch they did an exploring walk which is a stock part of their visits. They're always a pleasure to host.
We worked on cleaning an area where we did tree-thinning in February, lopping and burning branches while Jim and Kevin bucked the logs. Another treat was help from Ken Schroeder, someone I hadn't seen much of lately. He looks great and simply does not age.