This was another thistle-hunting day, and I'm told they bagged a lot despite the rain that moved in. Missed this one due to another event, tip of the cap to the crew who hung in there.
Cranberry Slough Trailblazers Walk, Saturday June 25
This was led by Katie, one of the Friends of the Forest Preserves volunteers involved in this series of walks. As a former volunteer and intern with FOTFP, she knows the site well. Well enough to pick up the pace a bit as the light rain was on the brink of getting much heavier. She got us back to the parking lot just ahead of that.
She wasn't able to share all her fun facts about Cranberry but plans another walk next month. One I can share now; Katie was part of a crew that hand-wicked a patch of cattails in the drainage that crosses the site; to this day they have not returned. Great job!
Photography Walk Paw Paw Woods Wednesday June 29
This was hosted by Ed and Cece from the Forest Preserves CEP (Community Experiential Programming). The dynamic of such a walk is cool; someone stops to take a picture, someone else stops to see what caught their eye, and the rest of us follow suit. We saw a range of birds, insects and plants along the way, with each person's interest leading us to something different.