Back at the Katydid side of Willow Springs Woods, cutting more honeysuckle, barberry, multi-flora, and bittersweet. A week ago we were half a dozen or so in the rain. This time, on a dry, sometimes sunny day, we were many more, over 20 volunteers total.
We worked a wide area, with power tools in one sector and those with loppers and bowsaws spread out a bit more. After break everyone pitched in to help haul the remaining brush to the fire. It was most productive, with thanks to everyone present and special thanks to first-time Palos volunteers Amy, Madison, Paul, Corey, Arianna, Sean, and Zaid - think I'm missing one mom and one dad name here :-(
Hidden Pond Sunday December 8
We returned to the Kean Avenue side of Hidden Pond, to a brushy area near Woodland Drive. We broke down and burned two large piles of brush already present and began cutting into a stand of honeysuckle just north of the fires. Dennis brought his chainsaw and knocked down several box elders that were invading the prairie about a hundred yards from our main work site.
It was another good day and another terrific team! Zaid, Corey, Kathy and Damario joined us both Saturday and Sunday, and Corey's dad Jim was a first-time Palos volunteer on Sunday.