We walked a big loop through Spears (~ 3 miles) looking for garlic mustard - other than a couple locations it was rather sparse.
We were joined by 18 volunteers from Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum's TEENS program, a group that visits us periodically and is always a joy to host. While they didn't get to do a lot of pulling, they managed to spot at least three species of frogs and got to view other local wildlife as well. After lunch they planned further exploration at Cranberry Slough.
McClaughrey Springs Sunday May 5
Another day with limited garlic mustard - is it late or are we (fingers crossed) seeing a small measure of progress in our ongoing battle with the stuff? It's hard to predict due to the numerous cold days in April.
Cap Sauers Holding Sunday May 5
More of the same, which is to say, limited garlic mustard. One hedge - while there was little in the areas which had prescribed burns, stepping into the honeysuckle patches meant finding some, albeit tiny, plants. So they surely aren't eradicated yet and may still show their nasty selves before the season ends.
Addendum: after leaving Cap Sauers I walked the Yellow Trail from the Swallow Cliff stairs to Teason's Woods and found an abundance of garlic mustard. Game on.
We'll be at McClaughrey Springs Saturday May 11 and Hidden Pond Sunday May 12.