The weather got us this weekend, but not before we got one session in at Pioneer. Friday's snow was not too much, and got knocked down by half a day of rain, so we were able to navigate the terrain without a problem.
While the Atrium crew thinned trees a couple hundred yards away, we stuck mostly to brush, though Kevin did drop a number of smaller trees with the chainsaw. Fire was slow to start due to the usual wet fuel issue, but eventually got cooking.
For the third week in a row a passer-by spotted us, made an inquiry, and ended up joining and pitching in. Thanks you Krystyna, great to have you hauling and burning alongside us!
Bitter cold forced cancellation of our scheduled Sunday at Hidden Pond, as well as all FPCC activities January 14-16. I missed Pioneer on Wednesday the 17th; according to George Christensen it was notable for a fire that didn't want to burn. We'll be back at Pioneer on January 20, maybe that will go better.
Canada Geese on Lake Katherine
Hundreds of Canada geese roost overnight at Lake Katherine in Palos Heights. I like going there around sunset, when they're flying back from their daily treks to who knows where. Their approach to the water, the cacophony of their honking, are quite the spectacle. Comical!
In cold spells like the current one most of the lake freezes. The only part that doesn't is at the outlet from the water that is pumped up to the artificial waterfall. This forces them to crowd around that open patch of water. Two days ago I spotted a decent number of geese in the Cal-Sag channel, which was partially frozen. Maybe they needed more space than they could get on the lake.