This was the site of our restoration work for the day as well as a walking tour of the preserve. Thanks to those who attended the walk, as well as those who helped support it.
Thanks also to the volunteers who cut and burned honeysuckle and burning bush within sight of the parking lot - not often we work that close to our meeting place. We'll be back there Saturday hosting a youth group from Bridgeview, ought to be a fun day.
We were fortunate to find some spring wildflowers, including a number of bloodroots and a sprinkling of spring beauties in bloom. Bet they were not happy with the following day's surprise.
Sunday April 14
You might have noticed our substantial snowfall, which normally brings me great joy. This one was ridiculous. Big wet flakes, blustery winds, and the certainty that all would vanish within a day, rendered this weather event totally useless. Fortunately it didn't seem to have an impact on our native flora which was back in view within a day of the snow melting.