Just a couple of us pulling white sweetclover on the prairie, a couple more carrying backpack sprayers. The sun was intense so we took a couple extended shade/hydration breaks. Many of the larger plants have gone to seed by now, while new, smaller ones continue to pop up. Tenacious!
Our Sunday session at McClaughrey Springs was canceled by rain, rescheduled to Sunday August 21. Black Partridge, usually on that third Sunday, will instead be on Sunday August 14, 1:00 - 4:00 pm.
Just a few more weeks of weed control, then comes a transition back to brush-cutting and burn piles. We'll also see moderation of the heat; while we haven't had crazy-high temps (just a couple days near 100 degrees) the humidity and exposure to the sun are a double whammy.
We offer a sincere thank-you to each of the volunteers that graced us with their presence over the past couple months.