Back to McMahon, working, from Doug Bosco's photos on FB, on the margin between prairie and woodland. clearing honeysuckle and bittersweet. This is truly a process and I'm impressed time after time by the diligence volunteers bring to the task. Thank you so much!
Hidden Pond Woods Sunday November 12
Another beautiful Sunday morning, another terrific group of volunteers at Hidden Pond. We cut brush above the prairie, near the multi-use trail that runs by LaGrange Road. One major target was a wicked thicket of brush complicated by vines and dead trees, leaning and fallen. The second target was some larger buckthorn and honeysuckle one hundred yards south, which was cut mostly by Joe C. with the chainsaw.
We had two fires and burned a major mass of brush in the course of the morning, and punched a big hole in the thicket which will be further expanded come December. After we finish our work near the trail, we'll move closer to the prairie, just north of our current work site.
Fall Fire Season Begins
Last Sunday Forest Preserves crew kicked off the fall burn season with a 'trial' burn at Black Partridge Woods. It must have gone well since they've been out all week. John Marlin got to Partridge as they were wrapping up and sent two of the photos below, showing what looked, in that spot, like good coverage.
The other burn pics below are from Arie Crown Forest; I was at Sundown Meadow Tuesday, a short walk from the burn site. Other Palos sites burned to date include Paw Paw, Redgate, and Little Red Schoolhouse. Each of us have fingers crossed that the season continues long enough to include our favorite sites.