Thanks to Maggie from Friends of the Chicago River and Drew from Chicago Audubon for joining us on this day. We did some light brush cutting, the first time I've set bowsaw to woody since March. We did not burn, mostly cutting and dropping smaller honeysuckle re-sprouts, yet it was a pleasure to have the tools back in hand.
We worked near Mill Creek, in an area originally cleared several years ago on a fun winter day. Some spots have filled in nicely, while a big chunk of the area still needs selective tree thinning to get more sun to the ground. Like all our sites, it's a work in progress.
Doug Bosco's been eager to pick up the brushcutter again, and got his chance Saturday. Herbiciders included Maggie, Jean, Diana, and Kathy. It's really tough to find all the targets when we're cutting the little stuff, requiring great diligence on their part. We also saluted Cyndi Duda, whose official retirement began two days prior.