This was a stumping party, held in Palos Park Woods north. We did some serious follow-up in an area that was partially cleared about a year ago. Several students from Curie High School joined us, along with Palos Park residents Jim and Jan, scouts Brent and Bonn, along with Miguel, Margaret, Kathy, Doug, and steward Diana
Bow saw stumping is tough and this group attacked it with vigor - by morning's end we pushed the line way back. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Hidden Pond Sunday May 12
We had a small turnout (Mothers Day effect) who worked like a large crew. Witness, per Mary Busch's account: "...burned brush piles, scattered seed in newly cleared edges, took photos of invasive lily of the valley for a Conservation Corp request, picked up garbage and mylar balloons, cut, scattered and herbicided buckthorn and honeysuckle in the prairie and pulled garlic mustard." Thank you Mary, Cyndi, Jay and Kathy for playing way above the rim (silly sports analogy).