Ecologist Kristin Pink led us from Ford Road into the preserve, past Visitation Prairie, to the Cap Sauers esker. We stopped several times, for mini-lessons on local plants and updates on restoration initiatives. It was enjoyable and informative - thank you Kristin for a terrific job.
Thanks also to volunteer stewards Bob Arentz and Margaret Tobin, and to FPCC staff assisting with the walk. A huge thank you to our 'angel' who made a very generous contribution to support our work!
Hidden Pond Woods Sunday August 12
This was an another great day, with 17 volunteers helping cut brush on the northwest edge of the prairie. Too hot to burn - steward Mary Busch will try to get the Conservation Corps in to dispose of the large piles of brush we cut. What started as a small opening quickly expanded thanks to the energy of our group. Hot fun in the summertime!