We trekked out to the 'island', a small, really pretty area not too far from our January work site, and spent the morning cutting small honeysuckle resprouts.
Felt compelled to include a picture, taken not too far away, from our January 9 workday. This is why we have seasons!
Diana and company were at McClaughrey Sunday morning, cutting and burning near the multi-use trail and Mill Creek. With repeated efforts the brush gets pushed farther and farther back - one chain saw, one brushcutter, and a small group of volunteers can do a lot in a single morning!
Our Sunday afternoon site was Cap Sauers, with three people (Jackie, Margaret, and Kathy) doubling up, am and pm. The view of the wetland just west of the trail was obscured by a thicket of honeysuckle. It was hugely rewarding to cut into that and see that view open up in a single afternoon! Instant gratification in an endeavor where taking the long view is the norm.
Doug Chien from Friends of the Forest Preserves has begun leading workdays here - he wants to see if there's enough interest to make it a regular thing. The last two weeks we collected seed in the woodland. Thanks to Jim, Bob, and Sheri for kicking these days off!