This was another log-tossing, tree-thinning day, with multiple fires that, for at least the third consecutive Saturday, were slow to start due to high humidity and wet fuel. Sure, we eventually get them going. There were brief moments when the sun broke through, all too brief.
Special thanks to first-time Palos volunteer Courtney and to Kathy Bruch of Atrium Landscape and the sawyers and haulers donated by her to help us improve the health of our preserves.
Black Partridge Woods Sunday February 2
On Sunday we marked World Wetlands Day with a brush-clearing morning at Black Partridge. This was a collaboration with Forest Preserves of Cook County, National Recreation and Park Association, and funding partner Citgo.
We numbered 17, including Dan from Citgo making his first visit to one of our restoration workdays. We also had a good showing from the T.Stone/Sundown folks and an assortment of other energetic volunteers, all cutting and dragging to two fires in our latest target area, across Bluff Road from the parking lot. We cleared around some big lovely oaks; perhaps one day, with the increased light, we'll see some of their offsping sprouting. Steward John Marlin expressed his pleasure with the day's accomplishments.
Cap Sauers Holding Sunday February 2
Our third effort of the weekend continued that World Wetlands Day theme, as we worked right above the small wetland visited a month ago, cutting brush up the slope to the north. A special shout-out to Mai, Myra and Luke who doubled up, morning and afternoon with us. True stalwarts! This was the first truly sunny day in nearly two weeks making it a joy to be outdoors.