Though summer weather still lingers, this was a typical fall session in Palos. Two chain saws and a brush-cutter running, honeysuckle and other non-natives tumbling like dominos, and scorching-hot brush piles burns as we cleared an area beyond the ravine where we worked on previous days.
Thanks to Margaret for redirecting me when I headed off in the wrong direction. Otherwise I might still be wandering the wilds of Cap while search parties with headlamps scour the area every night and my picture shows up on milk cartons.
Black Partridge Woods: Annual Palos Picnic 2018
This was another fun day, well- attended despite another toasty-hot afternoon. Thanks to everyone who showed up and brought such a variety of tasty sides and sweets.
Special thanks to grill-master Steve for his help, and to Julie P whose organizational skills are the perfect complement to my own lack of the same.
End-of-season Monarch update
Readers of this page already may know that Julie raised and released several monarchs this year; that's what ensues after you plant milkweed in your garden. The last three flew today and will be sipping margaritas on a beach in Cancun in due time.
One of today's monarchs had a damaged wing; Julie took him to monarch guru Bob Erlich of Evergreen Park, who replaced a portion of the wing and sent him on his way. Damn!