On a hot day we stayed in the shade and our intensity level was dialed way down. We made reed canary grass our prime target and clipped the seed heads of those we found. The infrequent garlic mustard also showed up.
We were graced with five first-time volunteers on this morning: thank you Cailey, Karen, Reagan, Andrew, and Arun for joining us.
Swallow Cliff Woods South, Sunday June 17
The early summer heat wave continued on Sunday, and we did pretty much the same thing as Saturday, walking the woodland looking for reed canary and garlic mustard. Jean Dubach has a great eye for the short plants hiding down low. Thanks to Sarah and Steve for being part of this.
Black Partridge Woods, Sunday June 18
Cubs fans of a certain age remember Ernie Banks saying "Let's play two today." That's what we did with our afternoon session at Black Partridge, and Sarah took Ernie's words to heart, coming after working Swallow Cliff in the morning.
We removed a decent number of reed canary seed heads, some ready to drop their seed. Recent rains meant ample fungus; pictured below.