Thanks to first-timer Marc and second-time Palos volunteer Chris for being part of this one, to Jim and Doug for their tireless energy and strength. We thinned trees not far from the trail and Ford Road, with several big, hot fires on a chilly morning.
Cap Sauers looks beautiful these days, with large tracts opening up due to brush-mowing funded by an anonymous benefactor. We are ever so grateful for this generous spirit - in addition to making huge improvements to the landscape, it brings a strong gust of wind to volunteers' sails.
Black Partridge Woods Sunday February 17
My thanks to Kathy Bruch for providing photos and an account of this session. And it was a tough one, an icy, sleety cold afternoon that resisted Carrie's and Devin's best efforts to build a sustainable fire. Perhaps if they had some 'dream wood' handy... see my next entry for more on this wondrous stuff.
Willow Springs Woods Monday February 18
This was our President's Day special and we spent it cutting and burning catalpa trees that have made their way into Willow on the north end. I am giving catalpa the tag 'dream wood' for two reasons.
One; it's a lightweight, low-density wood enabling one to easily hoist a much larger log than would be possible with maple or other denser woods. It can trick you into thinking you're actually strong!
Two, it burns like a dream. Despite three inches of new snow, we got our fires going with a few short minutes of propane to each stack, no need to follow up with a leaf-blower. Carolyn stopped gathering deadwood for kindling because it wasn't needed.
Thanks to FOTFP Palos crew leader Xochitl, who came to help on her day off AND brought a friend, Aaron. Kevin and Joe also were on hand.