Margaret and crew cut brush in an area she’d been looking at for three years, working the side of a hill rich with natives including oaks and sedges. The small honeysuckle seen when she first scouted the area had since become ‘threateningly large’, so it was great to get in and get them.
New volunteer Evan, who would show up again the following day at Black Partridge, joined regulars Dave, Diana, Joe, Kathy, and co-steward Bob.
Swallow Cliff Sunday August 19
Ginger Rubinstein led this one, getting a second observation for her workday leader certification. Thanks, Ginger, for agreeing to help at Swallow Cliff!
We numbered 15 or 16, collecting seed in the wooded upland area near the South grove. Along the way we spotted some colorful fungi, insects, and a tiny frog, all pictured below. Shout-out to first-timers Denise, Bob, Kent, Kelly, and Ethan.
Black Partridge Sunday August 19
Another super group, including a team of eight from SWCA Environmental Consultants and first-time volunteers Manny and Matt. John split us into two groups, some collecting seed of woodland grasses and others cutting and stacking brush near the old home site. An enjoyable afternoon in the woods of Palos!
Butterfly Mama
After passing several monarch caterpillars to friends, Julie P released her first on Tuesday. Several agonizing hours waiting for her wings to dry, and a stretch where she seemed totally happy on Julie's finger, ended when the baby finally got her wings going and took off!