This was really productive! Working right above a wetland near Old Country Lane, we cleared a big stretch which would have been even bigger if not for the bittersweet vines that tied everything together. Nasty, nasty bittersweet!
The before and after pictures below give an idea how much got done, with the cleared area extending both left and right beyond the frame of the pictures. A good feeling, looking out and knowing you kicked some...
We got lucky here. Able to burn despite a persistent drizzle, we continued our assault on honeysuckle high up the hill above Visitation Trail. The rain picked up as the fire burned down, and we got out in time to avoid a thorough soaking.
Paddock Woods, January 4, 2017
This was one of the colder mornings of the season, a long undies, extra layers, don't wander too far from the fire kind of day.
Thanks to Dennis Kankowske, from Ted Stone and Arie Crown, for leading this one in Doug Chien's absence. Thanks to newly minted herbicider John Plunkett for handling that task. Herbiciding is especially tough on cold mornings; too far from the fire to feel its heat, performing a task that doesn't engage enough muscle fiber to generate your own body heat.