Ashburn Prairie is a Joe Neumann project, a prairie he rescued from development some 25 years ago and got transplanted, via plugs, to a location in Marquette Park. On occasion our group goes there to help maintain its health.
On this day (which I missed) the target was grey dogwood, and the team went at it with their usual tenacity. My thanks to Doug Bosco for the three photos below that document this day, and to the volunteers who made the trek to Marquette Park.
Cap Sauers Holding Sunday July 7
Honeysuckle cutting - blessedly in the shade - at Cap Sauers, always plenty of targets. Since we were not burning, just building feeder piles for another day, we cut an impressive amount of honeysuckle in the space of three hours. Not a big crew, certainly an energetic one.
We may not get back to this site until September. When we do we have some nice dry fuel awaiting a brushpile burn.
You Only Get Wet Once
Stair climbing at Swallow Cliff on a hot sunny day, wishing for some cloud cover to take the edge off the heat. Got my wish, and then some. First the clouds moved in. Minutes later a light rain began falling.
No thunder or lightning, no reason to cut the workout short. Another 20 minutes and I was done - by this time the rain intensity had increased and all who stayed were thoroughly soaked. To the bone...
Usually I slow-walk ten minutes to cool down at the finish. Usually I'm feeling quite spent after an hour on the steps. Not this time. Refreshed by the rain, I walked and jogged up, down, and around the parking lot for another half-hour. Coulda/woulda stayed much longer but the rain was ending, the sun threatening to reappear.
"One must know the so-called 'lesson of a downpour.' A man, caught in a sudden rain en route, dashes along the road not to get wet or drenched. Once one takes it for granted that in rain he naturally gets wet, he can be in a tranquil frame of mind even when soaked to the skin. This lesson applies to everything." Yamamoto Tsunetomo