Did Joe get his mojo back?
I used to think Joe Neumann had a special "in" with the weather gods. Whatever the forecast Joe's workday seemed to happen. We might have a foot of snow by late afternoon (yes, that happened), I might have water pouring into my basement (ouch! I skipped that workday but Joe carried on), he always managed to pull it off. Until the past year or so, when we lost at least a couple of his days to conditions too serious to ignore.
Weather forecast for Saturday looked real bad; rain in the morning followed by high winds. The rain came - at 7 am the radar showed a long line of showers and by 8 we had a steady rain. But at 9 it fortuitously had diminished so we decided to give it a shot. By 10 we were nestled in a low spot at Spears, sheltered from the worst of the wind, and managed a very productive morning of brush-cutting and burning. Two brush-cutters, two chain saws, numerous energetic loppers and haulers. The sun made its first appearance around 11.
Thanks to new volunteers Eric, Stone, Milo, Edward, Brianna, and Emely - all of whom came, some from a substantial distance, despite the ominous forecast. Perhaps they knew Joe's reputation - "Neumann never knuckles", as Steve Krupa has said.
Time will tell but, for one day, at least, Joe's mojo was back in full force.
Sunday April 1, McClaughrey Springs
Diana and company worked near Mill Creek and the north edge of the Yellow trail, cleaning a previous working site and cutting more brush, including some of Palos's remaining buckthorns. She had a terrific turnout on Easter morning and got a lot accomplished. Thanks to Steve for his account of the day.