We doubled at Paddock last weekend. Saturday volunteers cut and burned brush, along with a couple brush piles left from earlier work, while a commercial crew from Atrium Landscape thinned trees at a nearby location. We had a large group helping and accomplished quite a bit.
Sunday a handful of us returned to burn the remaining piles from Atrium's Saturday work. The first day of our recent cold spell and decidedly sub-zero wind chill (something best avoided) was a test. We did quite well again, especially given the fuel we were burning. Simple fact: some green woods, like buckthorn and honeysuckle, burn remarkably well. Others, like maple, basswood, and elm, are moist and difficult to ignite quickly. We had much more of the latter than the former.
Nonetheless, by 1pm all the piles were burning - your roving reporter had to bail before noon due to another commitment. Fine job by all involved over the two-day weekend! Note: nothing motivates fire-starters more than cold fingers and toes.