We walked in on a diagonal line from the parking lot, which was not a good idea. The same terrain that was easily navigable in winter and early spring is now grown thick with forbs and grasses. Note to self; exit on a different route.
Once we got to our destination we were fine, with lots of white sweet clover to occupy our time. Most of it we could pull and the more stubborn plants, either thicker or with multiple stems, needed clippers. In some places it was relatively scattered, in others found in higher concentrations. We worked well and composted two impressive piles by quitting time, when the cloud cover that blessed us earlier had largely departed.
As always, the best part was being on the prairie in prime time for new blooms. I saw my first compass plants flowers of the season as well as large numbers of Monarda and coneflowers; both were starting to bloom a week ago and were much more numerous this time.